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Updated pk0-004 Dumps Questions For CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam Preparation

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Which of the following project management tools provides an authoritative source of the project performance guidelines?


Correct Answer: A



Which of the following is MOST effective for projects that require internal reorganization?

A. Vision
B. Right of passage
C. Command
D. Evidentiary
E. Segmentation

Correct Answer: A


A client has requested a project be completed ahead of schedule. The client understands the triple constraints and agrees to expand the defect tolerance.
Which of the following should the PM do NEXT?

A. Crash the schedule.
B. Notify the project team.
C. Initiate a change request.
D. Accept the risk.

Correct Answer: B


A fire occurred in the production facility over the weekend, affecting the machinery being used to produce a deliverable.
No injuries were reported.
Which of the following is MOST appropriate for the project manager to do NEXT?

A. Refer to the contingency plan
B. Conduct an immediate emergency team meeting
C. Perform a SWOT analysis
D. Implement the risk response plan

Correct Answer: A


Which of the following techniques modifies the schedule based upon resource constraints?

A. Critical Chain Method
B. Critical Path Method
C. Arrow Diagramming Method
D. Precedence Diagramming Method

Correct Answer: A


Objectives and tasks are equally assigned by two different managers. Which of the following BEST describes this organization type?

B. Functional
C. Matrix
D. Projectized

Correct Answer: A


During a project status meeting, the project manager states the project is running ahead of schedule. However, the executive committee, which is unfamiliar with the project manager\’s work, does not think it will finish on time.
Which of the following is the MOST likely cause?

A. personal preferences
B. Interorganizational differences
C. Relationship building
D. Specific communication

Correct Answer: D


A project team is showing off a new product prototype at a trade show, and potential customers are requesting more information.
Which of the following is the MOST efficient way to provide more information?

A. Printed media
B. Email
C. Meeting
D. Video conference

Correct Answer: A


A project manager recently joined a projectized organization and is having many issues on five different projects. Which of the following risk activities should be performed FIRST? (Choose two.)

A. Identify
B. Coordinate
C. Qualify

D. Brainstorm
E. Mitigate
F. Assign

Correct Answer: AB


Which of the following roles has approval authority for project funding?

A. Champion
B. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
C. Project Management Office (PMO)
D. Sponsor

Correct Answer: D



A project manager receives an initial project assignment.
Which of the following documents is MOST likely to indicate the organizational structure for the project?

A. Communication management plan
B. Baseline
C. Business case
D. Organizational breakdown structure

Correct Answer: C


A team member learns that an assigned task is not due until the very end of the project. Moreover, the team member is not aware of any predecessor tasks dependent on completing the assigned task. Which of the following does the project manager use to decide if the team member can start the task later or earlier?

A. Review the PERT chart and evaluate if the task is a critical dependency.
B. Review the PERT chart and evaluate if the task is a discretionary dependency.
C. Review the PERT chart and evaluate if the task is a real dependency.
D. Review the PERT chart and evaluate if the task is an external dependency.

Correct Answer: B



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Information about CompTIA PK0-004 Exam

  • Vendor: CompTIA
  • Exam Code: PK0-004
  • Exam Name: CompTIA Project+
  • Certification: CompTIA Project+
  • Total Questions: 505 Q&A
  • Exam Language: English
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A project team is in the process of risk planning. One of the team members identifies a weather-related risk, which may
cause delivery delays.
Which of the following is the BEST risk response strategy?
A. Exploit
B. Enhance
C. Mitigate
D. Communicate
Correct Answer: C

A company\\’s management team is in a meeting to review all the products and services delivered in the first quarter of
the year for profitability. They are requesting information on payback period, return on investment, and total cost of
ownership. The project manager is checking the project repository for available documentation. In which of the following
documents is the project manager MOST likely to find the required information?
A. Business case
B. Project charter
C. Risk management plan
D. Scope of work
Correct Answer: A

A project team is not delivering their tasks in a timely manner. Additionally, tasks are being reworked because
requirements continue to be identified as work packages are being delivered.
Which of the following are NOST likely missing from the project? (Select two.)
A. Project charter
B. Organizational chart
C. Scope document
D. Status report
E. Business case
F. Project plan
Correct Answer: CF

A company has hired a new project manager. The PMO has briefed the new project manager on the following expected
responsibilities for projects:
Coordinate project schedule
Manage to the triple constraint
Provide performance feedback to team members\\’ managers
Which of the following types of organizational structures did the new project manager MOST likely join?
A. Balanced matrix
B. Strong matrix
C. Functional
D. Projectized
Correct Answer: D

Which of the following are the roles involved in a Scrum project?
A. Scrum master, development team, quality coach
B. Scrum master, business analyst, product owner
C. Scrum master, product owner, development team
D. Scrum master, project sponsor, business analyst
Correct Answer: C

Due to a new government regulation, a project change is required. The project manager evaluates the change and
realizes a representative from the legal department will need to approve the change as well. The project manager
A. follow the change process flow and notify the legal department after the change is implemented.
B. extend a formal invitation to the legal department representative to join the CCB.
C. hold a separate meeting with the legal department representative and ask for approval.
D. notify the legal department representative in the event of an upcoming audit.
Correct Answer: B
References: Kim Heldman, CompTIA Project+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition, Sybex, Indianapolis, 2017, p. 294

A project team is defining detailed risks. Which of the following project phases is taking place?
A. Initiation
B. Monitor and control
C. Execution
D. Planning
Correct Answer: D

A governance committee has just approved a new project. The project scheduler is now developing the project
schedule. Which of the following activities should be done FIRST?
A. Add durations.
B. Add the start and finish dates
C. Add tasks.
D. Add resources.
Correct Answer: C

Which of the following charts is a graphical representation of the causes of a specific event?
A. Histogram
B. Scatter
C. Fishbone
D. Gantt
Correct Answer: C
A fishbone diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that shows the relationship between the effects of problems and their
causes. This diagram depicts every potential cause of a problem and the effect that each proposed solution will have on
the problem.

At a weekly project team meeting, it is apparent the project is over budget. The project manager needs to determine the
reason for this issue. Which of the following documents should MOST likely be analyzed to obtain the answer?
A. Project charter, organization chart, scope statement, and issue log
B. Dashboard information, action items, project schedule, and status report
C. Project management plan, scope statement, communication plan, and meeting agendas
D. Project schedule, project management plan, communication plan, and issue log
Correct Answer: A

A project team is overseeing the installation of a new reptile habitat at the local zoo. During execution, zoo personnel
decides to house a different type of reptile that will require a different temperature range than the capacity of the
installed system. The modification has been approved.
Which of the following constraints are MOST likely to be affected? (Choose two.)
A. Quality because the existing system is now outside the threshold.
B. Requirements because this is a change to initial scope.
C. Cost because replacing the system incurs additional expense.
D. Schedule because this was an unscheduled task and will impact the timeline.
E. Stakeholders because they will need to understand the modification and provide buy-in.
Correct Answer: CD
References: Kim Heldman, CompTIA Project+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition, Sybex, Indianapolis, 2017, p. 293

Which of the following is described as placing responsibility for addressing the potential effects of an uncertain future
event on an entity outside the organization?
A. Risk avoidance:e
B. Risk transfer
C. Risk exploitation
D. Risk mitigation
Correct Answer: B

An active project has a CPI of 0.92. Which of the following can be determined?
A. The project is currently over budget.
B. The project has a budget surplus.
C. The project is ahead of schedule.
D. The project is behind schedule.
Correct Answer: A

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